Temporary Outside Seating Authorization

Consistent with the Stay at Home 2.0 order and guidance by the State, the Town of Bristol has an application for Temporary Outside Seating Authorization. Any establishment that will be utilizing outside seating during this state of emergency should fill out this form. All types of outside seating should file this form with the Town, whether existing seating, expanded upon seating or new seating arrangements.There is no fee for this application.The Health Office and Fire Department will review the submissions and process an authorization within 48 hours of receipt (excluding weekends). 

We are available to assist you with any questions or provide feedback on your plans for reopening under the Stay at Home 2.0 Order, the Restaurant Guidance for reopening (https://www.governor.nh.gov/news-media/stay-at-home/documents/20200501-restaurants.pdf ) and the Universal Guidelines (https://www.governor.nh.gov/news-media/stay-at-home/documents/20200501-universal.pdf ).

The completed application can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Christina Goodwin 5 School St Bristol or dropped off at the building located at 5 School St in the outside drop box.

We hope this message finds you well and again, if you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the office.