Economic Development Committee

Central Square, Bristol, New Hampshire

Preserving the past, pursuing the future!


 Objectives of the Economic Development Committee:

Promote a positive business climate that positions Bristol as a business-friendly community with a superior quality of life. 

Create employment opportunities geared toward the local labor force. 

Expand and diversify the tax base. 

Work proactively to support existing businesses, and to encourage the development and expansion of efforts that further enhance the business community. 

Attract new commerce that meets social, environmental and economic objectives consistent with the Town’s Master Plan and Zoning Requirements, as may be in force or hereafter amended. 

Establish and maintain partnerships with business, State Government, Regional and local economic development agencies and organizations, toward the furtherance of the EDC Mission and Goals. 

Economic Development Committee

Committee Members

Name Title
Carolyn Shulman Member
Bruce Dorner Vice Chair
Nancy Spears Member
Kris Durgin Pemi-Path Sub-Committee Member
Daniel "Buz" Kenney Pemi-Path Sub-Committee Member
Max Stamp Pemi-Path Sub-Committee Member
Blake Robbins Pemi-Path Sub-Committee Member
Jan Collins Pemi-Path Sub-Committee Member
Carroll Brown Jr Select Board Alternative Representative
Rob Glassett Select Board Alternative Representative
Kaitlyn Anthony Member