Health and Safety Information

Alcohol Use

Asbestos Information

Bed Bugs

Cancer Awareness

Kitchen Pests

Lead Information

Mold Information

Pet Safety




Substance Abuse / Addiction

  • If you or someone you know is experiencing an addiction-related crisis, dial 2-1-1 for help.
  • If you suspect a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 or refer them to the local hospital emergency room.
  • Find services in the region via the online NH resource called "The Doorway" - You are not alone. For many people, addiction is a daily reality. We can help. Whether you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one, or are looking for information, you’ve come to the right place. You are never alone and never far from help. Wherever you live and wherever you are on your journey, The Doorway will connect you to the supports and services and the level of care that’s right for you, including:
    • Screening and evaluation
    • Treatment, including Medication Assisted Treatment
    • Prevention, including naloxone   
    • Supports and services to assist in long-term recovery
  • Findwell New Hampshire - Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Locator
  • List Of Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs In New Hampshire

Swimmers Itch

Ticks and Mosquitos

Vaping, Smoking and Tobacco Education

Wells / Water / Septic Information

Winter Precautions

General Information